Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Final Blog

I think that the most valuable part of the blogging process is that others can read your blog posting and let you know what they thought about them and what you can do to improve your writing. I think that by seeing what others think about your writing, it can help you to make your writing the best it can be. I think that by using the blog it helped me to manage my time in writing my essays and by having certain things due referring to my topic it kept me on track and able to finish all my essays. The piece of writing that i am most proud of on my blog is my introduction paragraph about child abuse. I think that in the future you can use blogs to help all kids, not only the kids in writing the essay class, to share their college essay so that they can get feedback on it and help them to perfect their essay.

Monday, January 7, 2008


One out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will have suffered some form of sexual abuse by their 18th birthday. Around 5,000 children are being sexually abused, in the tri-state area, often by the people they trust the most. Approximately 80% of child abuse is perpetrated by a parent or caregiver. A parent and a caregiver should never do that to their child. They are not really a parent if they do such things because no good parent would want to afflict that pain and trauma in their child's live. A good parent would make sure that this would never happen to their own child. It is sad to think that some kids will never feel safe in their own home.
These abused children range from young infants to teenagers. They reside in every corner of our counties and come from every type of family.

The reason why I decided to start my paper with a fact is because most people have no idea how much child abuse is really taking place around them. Also i thought by starting with a fact that most people do not know, it will intrigue the reader to read on.

The one thing that i wanted to know from the reader is , whether or not it was a good idea to start the paper off with a fact like that? Do u think that was a good way of making the reader want to read on.

Friday, January 4, 2008

The problem/ what we can do to help

In my final essay for this class i am going to be writing about child abuse. I will focus on what the main problem is and what we can do to help prevent child abuse from increasing in the future. After searching the web and looking at many websites, there was one that stood out the most to me that talked about the problem.

One out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will have suffered some form of sexual abuse by their 18Th birthday. Around 5,000 children are being sexually abused, in the tri-county area, often by the people they trust the most. These abused children range in age from very young infants to the toughest teenagers. They reside in every corner of our counties and come from every socioeconomic strata and type of family.

We need to do what ever it takes so that these facts decrease more and more each year. No child should have to go trough that pain for doing nothing wrong. If you see or know any child that is suffering from some type of abuse, then it is your job to report it right a way. If you don't report something as serious as this, then you are just as much to blame as the person who is abusing the child. You know that something is happening to a child and it is wrong and you don't report it, it is like you think that abusing your child is an ok thing to do. Some people might think that it is not their place to step in and might feel like they are intruding on someones family life that is none of their business, but it might just help safe the life of some child.

Another thing that we can do to help decrease these facts is to talk to our kids at a young age and teach them the proper way of expressing their anger. Also be a role model to your child. You child learns form what he or she see and if he or she sees that you are abusing some one that you love then they will think that it is ok to do that so they will do that to the people they love.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Signs of Child Abuse

The most common signs of child abuse/neglect are :
*children wearing clothes that are dirty or not suitable for the weather ,
*unwashed appearance( offensive body odor )
*indicators of hunger for example asking for or stealing food, going through trash for food, eating too fast or too much when food is provided for a group,
*apparent lack of supervision (wandering alone, home alone, left in a car), *colds fevers, infected cuts,

*frequent absence or lateness to school, disruptive behavior in class
*babies- the failure to relate to other people or to the surroundings.

If you know any kid with any of these signs of child abuse or neglect then you should report it right away. It is your job to help save these kids because if you don't take any action then they kids will become even more abused and/ or neglected. We must do everything that we can to help kids that are being abused and/or neglected. Even if you feel like it is not your place to step in and help because you feel like that you are intruding on someones personal life, do it any way to help these innocent kids be able to be kids again.

Child abuse and neglect are both the same thing. You are not treating your kids the ways that they should be treated and it effects them both physicaly and mentally. No child should have to go through life living under these conditions. They should be able to live life to the fullest and just have fun and be a kids.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The horrible facts about child abuse

After looking through many websites on the Internet I came across a very good source that had a lot of information about the shocking statistics of child abuse. By finding all of this information , I think that it will help me a lot in writing my paper because it is a great way to let people how much child abuse is really taking place in the world that they live in. One would never know that so much child abuse is taking place.

One of the most shocking statistics that I found out was that approximately 80% of child abuse is perpetrated by a parent or caregiver. A parent and a caregiver should never do that to their child. They are not really a parent if they do such things because no good parent would want to afflict that pain and trauma in their child's live. A good parent would make sure that this would never happen to their own child. It is sad to think that some kids will never feel safe in their own home.

Another awfull fact that I found out about child abuse is that childern under the age of 4 account for 75% of all child abuse deaths. Kids 4 and under are just starting their lives out and having fun, why would anyone want to harm they child and not alllow them to live a normal life as a kid. It is upseting to think that kids so young have to go through this pain and are not able to live a normal life as a child and just have fun.

All these statistics are very shocking and are something that need to be decreased. If you see any sign of abuse you should report it right a way so that the child does not have to go through another day of pain. People need to do whatever they can so we can reduce these statistics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What you can do

After searching the Internet about information on child abuse, i decided that one aspect that i am going to talk about in my paper is what you can do as a parent or aunt or even a brother to teach younger child that child abuse is never the answer. You should teach your kids early, listen to them if they ask you questions, tell them other ways to express their anger, talk about it with them and be a role model. By doing this things, this with hopefully teach your kids that child abuse is a very bad thing and is something that they should never do or have to go through.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Child Abuse

For my final essay in this class i am going to be writing about child abuse. The reason why i decided that i was going to write about child abuse is because it is something that needs to be stopped and talked about so people really know what is going on. Also you child could be getting abused right in front of you and you might have no clue that it is happening so by writing an essay it might help people to better understand what child abuse really means. In researching this topic i found out that at least two out of every ten girls and one out of every ten boys are sexually abused by the end of their 13th year. Steps need to be taken to stop this from happening. I belive that more people need to step in when they see the first sign of child abuse. It is something that can be stopped but a lot of people are too afraid to say something because they feel like it is not their bussiness. But if something really bad does happen then how would they feel? By stepping in you could save a life.